Friday 18 February 2011

Start collecting Newspaper articles

Hi guys

Looking at the photo above I think it would be a good idea if you started collecting any newspaper articles that mention Islam, Islamaphobia etc. from this point in time.

It would be good to put together all the words accumulated during the production process, and then present them in an interesting visual display for the film...

Also I am going to Berlin for a week on Wednesday so it would be good to meet Monday or Tuesday next week.


Thursday 17 February 2011

This is the rather long link.

Hope you don't mind Becky - I made it smaller using

'Images of Islam in the UK'

Hey everyone. This is document called 'Images of Islam in the UK'. Its about the Representation of British Muslims in the National Print News Media 2000-2008.

Its pretty long and wordy, but the overview is really interesting. For example: "...the most common nouns used (in newspapers) in relation to British Muslims were terrorist, extremist, Islamist, suicide bomber and militant, with very few positive nouns (such as ‘scholar’) used. The most common adjectives used were radical, fanatical, fundamentalist, extremist and militant".

Maybe you could use this as a starting point, asking members of the non-muslim public, what words they associate with the word 'Islam' or 'Muslim'? This way you aren't jumping in and talking to someone who is an 'islamaphobe', but you might get the mainstream opinion of the public in Bristol.

Just a thought. Cheers to everyone who came to the workshop yesterday.


Wednesday 16 February 2011

Camera Workshop at 15.30 at Whitehall Primary

We've organised a camera workshop for you with Becky Bell at Whitehall Primary at 15.30

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Channel Four Dispatches Programme, "Lessons in Hate and Violence", is not yet available on 4OD but it should be soon. Make sure you watch it. I'm going to try on Virgin's replay.


Dispatches Islamaphobia Video Clips

Hi Everyone

Mohammed posted this link on FB. Try and watch the full documentary on 4OD but here is a clip of children being hit inside a mosque. What is more interesting is the long list of over 130 comments on the video with some quite different views.

Hi Guys

Mahad posted this on facebook:

Its a BBC doc on Geert Wilders


Thursday 10 February 2011

Camera workshop is scheduled for Wednesday 16th February with Becky Bell. Muhammed, have you booked the room yet?

Monday 7 February 2011

The work begins

This is the result of our brain storming exercise on Saturday. Lots of good ideas to get going with the film on Islamaphobia.